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Once the plot gets going (five Numberlys revolt against their mechanistic drudgery and sneak off to manufacture each letter of the alphabet, using numeric characters as raw material), the app intercuts a brief, very simple interactive game for each new letter of the alphabet. The animation even has a constantly flickering “grain” to it, as if it were shot on film from Fritz Lang’s day. Film buffs will appreciate subtle nods to Metropolis like the glowing rings that surround newly-minted letters of the alphabet.


But that suited Joyce and Oldenburg’s vision for the Numberlys’ vertically emphasized world, which is full of belching smokestacks, heaving pistons, art deco skyscrapers, and of course, the letters of the alphabet themselves. Joyce and his co-director, Brandon Oldenburg, wanted to shake up the traditional wide-screen view of most “cinematic” apps, so “Numberlys” only plays in portrait orientation.


The story unfolds in a silent-film-esque series of animated vignettes and title cards. There’s even an emotional payoff at the end that made this new dad very nearly tear up. But like the best children’s books, “Numberlys” is stuffed full of so much sumptous art and witty design (Joyce conceived the experience as a stylistic homage to Fritz Lang’s black-and-white sci-fi classic Metropolis, of all things) that parents will end up just as entranced as their kids. “Numberlys” is essentially a bedtime story whose punny prose style and simple interactive games will appeal to very small children.

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Now it looks like they might be following in Pixar’s footsteps as a back-to-back hitmaker, as well. (Moonbot co-founder William Joyce, who wrote and co-directed the app, swears like a sailor.) People like to compare Moonbot to Pixar, not only because Joyce used to work there, but because their commitment to quality storytelling is just as fierce. Better than “Lessmore.” A complete mother*$#&ing delight. Moonbot gave me a preview of the full app, which is available today, and it’s amazing. It’s better than “Lessmore.” A complete mother*$#&ing delight.

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